Saturday, August 27, 2011

World of Infatuation

 It's amazing how a voice can be seducing. Not the words spoken, merely the tone. If it is anger, you are overcome with a sense of adrenaline. The joking and laughter warms your body to the core, you cannot help but allow a smile to creep to appear. Whispers...send chills down your spine, you get that certain tingle sensation is your "special place". Nibble ever so slightly on your bottom lip...anticipation is the best way to describe it.

The words...oh the words! The intelligence alone shown in the chat log ceases to amaze you. Keeping copies of certain ones so you can look back. Remembering that person took time from their day to write to you, sometimes a few paragraphs...sometimes less. Regardless of the amount, it leaves you yearning for more.

Nothing seems fulfilling.

You could use all the spices in the world and it would still seem bland.

Even your dreams aren't safe anymore.
Imagine...A walk through the woods, enjoying nature undisturbed by man's hand.
Sitting on a deck somewhere- Smoking our cigarettes, drinking coffee and chatting as the sun is peaking out from behind the hills. Greeting the morning together; side by side.

False Encounters that may bring much happiness while you slumber but the saddens that greets you when you open your eyes and realize it was all in your head is sometimes so depressing, it brings tears.